Friday, December 25, 2009

Teeth Whitening Dangers

Teeth whitening is becoming very popular as people are getting more conscious of how they look. As such, kits to whiten teeth can be found easily in the market. However, do you know that without proper care, such kits can cause problems for you.

The most common dangers from teeth whitening products is that most people tend to swallow them accidentally. And when it is used incorrectly, damaged to the gums and teeth can be quite substantial.

For example, a common ingredient in teeth whitening bleach is hydrogen peroxide, This can cause damage to the nerves and the gums. This is how sensitive teeth comes about.

If you think laser teeth whitening is better, think again. Peroxide is still applied to the teeth and laser helps it to penetrate more deeply into the tooth. Laser teeth whitening can cause even more damage than just applying a tooth-whitening product to the surface if it is not done properly.

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